

The Center for Belonging and Social Change offers educational programming to assist students in developing the necessary skills, awareness, and knowledge to engage in diverse workplaces and to support equitable, positive social change. Hosted by our Student Education and Empowerment team, the Social Justice Workshop series examines how issues surrounding social identity, stereotypes, and bias affect our community.

Because each individual and organization is at a different level of awareness and comfort regarding issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion, workshops are classified into three tiers or levels. Each tier builds upon materials covered in earlier tiers, so it is recommended that groups request workshops sequentially from Ally to Advocate to Agent. Workshops that are considered foundational to the next tier are indicated. Additionally, topics-based workshops address issues impacting different communities. We recommend students attend an Ally and an Advocate workshop or are familiar with the concept of social identities before attending topics-based workshops.

Regardless of which workshop they attend, participating Buckeyes will leave with a strong framework upon which they can build personal and community accountability, sustainable advocacy, and strong relationships across difference.

Please see below for details about each tier of workshops, as well as brief overviews of the workshops we offer.

Workshop Logistics

All workshops are offered regularly during the academic year through our Open Workshop Series. Open Workshop dates and times are posted on the Center for Belonging and Social Change calendar.

Workshops are also available to groups of ten or more students by request. Additional information about our workshop requests for the 2024-2025 academic year will be provided in late July.

For further questions, please contact Cerelia Bizzell or Seneca Crump

Ally Level Workshops - Know Social Justice

Ally-level workshops are designed to introduce students to a new concept, familiarize the group with core social justice principles, or deep-dive into a specific topic. Ally-level workshops are perfect for groups that want an introduction to social justice, a refresher course, or a common language with which to talk about identity topics. These workshops focus on self-reflection, education, and awareness of ourselves and others.

Center for Belonging and Social Change 101

This workshop lasts approximately 30-45 minutes and contains an overview of the Center for Belonging and Social Change’s services and programs. This is an appropriate presentation for new students, staff, and faculty or for groups who would like to learn more about the CBSC and ways to be involved. 

Who Am I?

This interactive workshop covers social identities and privilege as well as an activity to help participants reflect on their experiences with various identities. This presentation is great for student organizations, classrooms, and any group looking to learn more about themselves and each other. Who Am I? is a foundational workshop to the next tier.

BuckAlly Dream Intro

This workshop serves as an introduction to state and federal laws applicable to DACA, Undocumented, Dreamers, and mixed status folx. It brings awareness to the challenges they face at the national, state, and local levels and provides an opportunity for allies to reflect on their roles in the community. 

Advocate Level Workshops - Be Socially Just

Advocate-level workshops move beyond knowing about social justice topics to equipping groups to advocate with/for marginalized communities. Advocate-level workshops are designed for groups that have some level of comfort with conversations around social justice and identity, as these workshops dive deeper into topics while giving attendees the tools necessary to engage in critical dialogue around issues of equity. Prior to requesting an advocate-level workshop, It is highly encouraged that all members have previously attended a Who Am I? Workshop or are experienced in core concepts of social justice. 

Intro to Intersectionality

The ability to find common ground and shared language when discussing topics of identity is critical to effective social change. Through this reflective workshop, participants will come to understand the unique intersections of their social identities and how these impact their self-perception and their interactions with the world around them. Intro to Intersectionality is a foundational workshop to the next tier.

Microaggressions 101

What is a microaggression? Who experiences microaggressions? What are examples of microaggressions? This workshop covers the answers to these questions and explores the unintentional things we might say or do that could create an exclusive and hurtful environment. The material from this presentation is drawn from Dr. Maura Cullen’s book “35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say” and Dr. Derald Wing Sue’s book “Microaggressions and Marginality.”

Speak Up

This presentation is great for groups who are looking for strategies to “speak up” against bias and will give participants quick and easy tips for holding each other accountable for our words and actions. The material from this presentation is drawn from the publication "Speak Up at School: How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias and Stereotypes" by Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

BuckAlly Dream Advocate

This interactive one-hour workshop expands the conversations on allyship for DACA, Undocumented, Dreamers, and mixed status folx and introduces bystander techniques to support their communities. This main goal of this workshop is to engage advocates in creating coalitions across social and professional networks.  Participants must have completed the BuckAlly Dream Intro workshop before attending this workshop.

Agent Level Workshops - Do Social Justice

Agent-level workshops are designed for those who are passionate about issues of social justice and have a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. These workshops are for groups that have (or want to!) incorporate principles of social justice into their daily life and practice. Agent-level workshops prepare Buckeyes to work in solidarity while creating sustainable change in themselves and the communities around them.

Fostering Inclusive Organizations and Spaces

This workshop is designed for student organizations in particular, but other groups may request it as well. The presentation, through videos, activities and group discussions, will explore the ways in which organizations and members can work to be more inclusive. It will cover social identity, safe space vs. brave space, and tips for becoming a more inclusive organization.

Topics-Based Workshops

The Center for Belonging and Social Change offers a variety of topics-based workshops that promote learning about historical contexts, cultural appreciation, and the politics of identity to move participants to seek a deeper understanding of dynamics of power and privilege.

Black Lives Matter: A Conversation Around Culture and Community in White Spaces

#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Since then, many movements have occurred throughout the nation to ensure the culture and community of Black people were protected from the inflictions of white supremacy and acts of violence, while creating spaces that celebrate Black imagination, innovation, joy and collective work. This workshop explores #BlackLivesMatter from a global perspective in connection to how it has impacted the movement and experiences of Black people on OSU’s campus and the local Columbus community. Participants engage in learning experiences around #BlackLivesMatter and critical conversations that impact how they can continue navigating culture and community within white spaces.

Racialization and Its Impacts on Asian American Identities

This workshop provides a brief historical perspective on processes of racialization and the impacts on populations of people with Asian ancestry. Special attention is paid to the histories of European colonization and race in the US. Additionally, there is immense heterogeneity inside the landmass labeled "Asia" and symbolized by the term "Asian American." This workshop introduces nuances to contemporary Asian American identity politics and questions next steps in critically thinking through discourse and practical applications.


This workshop provides an overview of LGBTQ identities, terminology, and history. LGBTQ 101 is open to students, faculty, and staff interested in learning more about the LGBTQ+ community.

Pronouns 101

Pronouns 101 provides an overview of pronouns and their correct usage, including neo-pronouns, and discusses the importance of normalizing the practice of sharing pronouns. This workshop is recommended for students, faculty, and staff who want to learn more about respectful pronoun usage.

Trans 101

This workshop explores best practices for engaging with and supporting transgender and gender non-conforming students and communities at The Ohio State University. The workshop is recommended for faculty, staff, and students. Through this 1-hour and 30-minute presentation, participants will gain a greater understanding of transgender identities and the systems of oppression that affect their community, as well as strategies for creating gender inclusive spaces.

Safe Zone

Safe Zone aims to create a more welcoming and safe campus for individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This 2.5-hour workshop is recommended for faculty, staff and students. Through this workshop, participants will (1) gain a greater understanding of LGBTQ identities and the systems of oppression that affect the community, (2) learn tools for incorporating LGBTQ-inclusive practices into their daily lives, and (3) strengthen their skills in recognizing and interrupting anti-LGBTQ bias. Those who attend the entire workshop (2.5 hours) will receive a sticker.

Creating LGBTQ Inclusive Classrooms

The Center for Belonging and Social Change offers this workshop to facilitate faculty, staff, and GTAs in creating more inclusive spaces for LGBTQ students. This 2-hour presentation focuses on best practices for supporting LGBTQ students in settings of higher education as well as strategies for navigating challenging conversations and interrupting bias.

Disability 101 and Accessibility

This student-authored workshop covers the basics of disability, including a brief history, language use, disability justice, and our future. It presents information about accommodations and accessibility at OSU and offers participants the opportunity to practice advocating for these things.

Disability: Foundational Terminology and Frameworks

This educational workshop introduces participants to the concept of disability as a social identity. First, we cover foundational terminology, respectful language, and models for understanding disability. Then, we discuss how disability impacts college students and turn to the framework of disability justice.

Disability Justice

This educational workshop is designed for participants who have attended either Disability: Foundational Terminology and Frameworks or Disability 101 and Accessibility. We dive deeper into the concept of disability justice to think intersectionally about disability. Through disability justice, we counter the notion of disability as a single-issue politics and instead situate anti-ableism alongside and through other social justice movements.

Understanding Antisemitism

This educational workshop begins by explaining what it means that Jewish identity is an ethno-religion. Drawing on this understanding, we then unpack what antisemitism is and trace its history from antiquity through today. In particular, we discuss the experiences of Jewish students at Ohio State and provide suggestions for Buckeyes to help combat antisemitism.